
Zoom account setup
Zoom account setup

“ Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication method that enables users to securely authenticate with multiple applications and websites by using just one set of credentials.” Zoom, like many of our enterprise applications, uses SSO or “Single Sign On”.

zoom account setup

For more information please e-mail the Help Desk at submit a ticket via RemedyForce under “Software and Cloud Services” to determine which version suits your needs.

zoom account setup

Both desktop or cloud-based licenses are available and provide access to Zoom, however the cloud version does have some limitations. Alumni will have limited access (40 minute meetings) for one year following their graduation date. Non-employee associates, or NEAs, must make arrangements with their departments to purchase a Microsoft O365 license in order to access a Drexel Zoom Pro account.

zoom account setup

  • Policies, Procedures, and Terms of Serviceĭrexel IT provides fully licensed Zoom Pro accounts to active students emeritus, full and part-time faculty and professional staff.

  • Zoom account setup